3 Pro-Tips For Getting Your Emails Opened

Does this sound familiar…?

You’ve spent a long time writing your newsletter article.

You’ve shared some really valuable content that will connect with your reader, lead them closer to wanting the transformation you offer and therefore closer to working with you.

You excitedly click send, then sit back waiting for the responses to start rolling in.

Instead, you hear nothing but crickets.

Your email didn’t get opened. (Well, your mom opened it…)

Which means, your prospects have NO IDEA how you can help solve their problem.

Therefore, they’re not likely to become a client anytime soon…

How frustrating!

You check the metrics and see you have a low open rate for most of your emails.

So the problem isn’t the content. (That’s the good news.)

The problem is your subject lines aren’t “click-worthy”.

Meaning your subject lines aren’t enticing enough to bother opening.

We all get a lot of emails in our inbox each day.

Think about it…how many times do you just scroll through your inbox, clicker-finger poised, thinking (and doing), “Delete, delete, delete, delete”?

I’m not saying sending out emails is a waste of time. Far from it!

Email is your BEST way to connect with prospects and clients. 

So let’s make sure the people on your list start opening your emails…

3 Pro-Tips For Getting Your Emails Opened

#1: Take Your Time

Your goal is to create a subject line that makes the recipient pause and ask themselves, “Is this something I want or need to know?”

Otherwise, your reader will skip over your email (by hitting delete) and never know that you’re the perfect person to help them.

Put as much thought and time (often more) into creating the subject line as you did writing the content.

Write out 15, 20, even 30 variations of a subject line and pick the one you would open if it landed in your inbox.

#2: Avoid a Yes or No

Do You Want To Lose 10 Pounds?
Have You Ever Wanted To Skydive?
Dream Of Living In Paris?

When you ask a question, you get an answer.

All of those subject lines can be answered with a definitive Yes or No.

Once answered, there’s no reason to find out more.

Your reader might open your email if it’s a subject they’re really interested in (ahem, live in Paris – yes please!). But if they’re busy – and most of us are – they’ll likely choose to delete it and move on.

If you do choose to create a subject line with a question, be sure it can’t be answered with a simple Yes or No.

#3: Create Intrigue and Curiosity

How To Lose 10 Pounds In 30 Days (Without Giving Up Chips or Chocolate)
Top 3 Skydiving Fears and How To Overcome Them Before Your 1st Jump
5 Things To Consider Before Moving To Paris

I didn’t spend much time on those headlines and already you can see how they’re much more intriguing than the subject lines in #2.

Subject lines that make a person stop and wonder what you have to say get opened much more frequently.

Be honest!

Don’t make false claims just to get your email opened. That will only create a feeling of distrust in your reader and lead to people unsubscribing. You do NOT want that!

Create a subject line that gets them curious about your post so they open it, read it and learn more about how you can help them.

There are many more ways to create click-worthy headlines.

Start with these and watch how your open rates begin to increase.


I’ll be sharing many more Pro-Tips during a “Create Click-Worthy Headlines” workshop coming soon.
Click here to join the newsletter so you don’t miss the announcement.

Photo by rawpixel.com from Pexels