The biggest mistake I see people make on their Home Page is that they talk about themselves.
They feel they need to sell themselves in order to convince their prospects to work with them.
Why is this the wrong approach?
Because convincing is hard work, doesn’t feel good and it usually de-values you.
Trying to convince someone to work with you puts you into competitive mode.
It affects your self-worth as well as the perceived value your customer has of your services.
Plus it puts your prospect into comparison mode. They start comparing you with the other three people whose websites they are also looking at. What they are comparing is often price and what’s offered for that price.
This makes you feel like you need to cut your prices in order to get the gig. (Does the word ‘discount’ come out of your mouth a lot?)
The result is that you struggle to make money in your business and you end up feeling resentful.
So, what should you do instead?
Talk about them!
Let your prospect see themselves.
Let them know they are in the right place – that you understand where they’re at and where they want to go.
This takes them out of comparison mode between you and someone else, and puts them into relaxation mode. They feel safe. They feel that you ‘get’ them.
In their mind, your value just went way up. …and by ‘value’, I don’t mean monetary.
Having someone understand us holds great value for us all.
Your prospect will already be thinking that they’d like to work with you, no convincing required.
Dig deep. Think about what problem your ideal client is struggling to overcome and what they are really looking for.
You can still put a bit about yourself on your Home Page, but please keep it short and low on the page. Your About Page is where you can talk about yourself.
Think of your Home Page like a door your prospect has just knocked on.
Invite them in.
Make them feel comfortable.
Let them feel like you’ve been waiting for them.
Welcome them home.
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24 Website Must-Haves
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