Home or About? Which Webpage Is Most Important?

I’m often asked which page is more important on your website: the Home page or the About page.

What people are really asking is which page should they put more effort into when they’re creating their own website? Which page will help them get the sale?

The short answer is: both.

The long answer is: each page serves a specific and different purpose. Every page on your website is important because each page helps to tell the story of you and your business while drawing in your ideal clients and repelling the ones you’d rather not work with anyway.

You need both pages (and others). 

There is no short-cut.

Both pages are important and both need a great deal of care and attention when you’re crafting your message.

Here’s the truth, if you don’t grab visitors with your Home page, they won’t likely get to your About page. So in that way, your Home page could be seen as most important.

BUT it’s your About page that most connects with reader’s emotions and speaks to their gut instincts as to whether you’re the one for them (or not).

Once you make THAT connection, they begin to seek ways to work with you because they feel you’re the right match for them. In fact, it will be hard to convince them otherwise.

The job of your About page is to connect the reader with the woman behind the curtain.

Your About page is the place to share WHY you’re doing this work.

What was your journey to this place? (By “journey”, I don’t mean your entire life story. Nor do I mean your résumé!) What I mean is, was there a life-experience*, incident or pivotal moment that made you decide to do this work?

Take readers into your experience and connect them with the core reason you started this business.  

Your About page is the place to show your humanity in an authentic way. 

Visitors come to your site because they have a problem that needs solving. They are looking to see if you understand them and if you can help them. By sharing your story, they will learn about you and a connection will be created. 

Here’s the bottom line: people aren’t buying your service or product – they are buying the transformation they want to experience. 

If they see themselves in your story and connect with you and your WHY, then they feel you understand where they are and can help them get to where they want to go. The rest of the pages on your website will (should) answers the rest of their questions. 

The job of your About page is to connect with prospects in a way that allows them to drop their shield of skepticism and see you as a human with whom they want to connect. 

A good About page should be magnetic; it should attract your ideal clients.
Is your About page attracting or repelling your visitors? 

Want to chat about how you can make your About Page more appealing? Feel free to book a call with me.

*Note: When choosing stories for your About page, only share stories you’re ready to share. If you’ve experienced something that drove you to do this work and you’re not ready to talk about it, share something different or share it in a less vulnerable way. Feel free to reach out to me if you want to talk about this more.

Coming Very Soon! 
Find Your WHY & Craft A Killer About Page Course

You’ve asked. I’m answering.
I will soon be announcing the start date for my Find Your WHY & Craft A Killer About Page course. For more details and to put your name on the Advance Notice list, click the button. Spaces will be limited.  
More Info


photo credits: Pixabay