We all want it and we want it to last forever.
Why? Because it feels SO GREAT!
When you’re filled with passion, you’re energetic. You’re full of vigour and have an unsquelchable zest for life.
You are sunshine personified.
You’re “in the zone”, in flow. It feels like you have wings.
In a word, BLISS.
…too bad it doesn’t last. (BOOM! Anvil-drop)
What happens when your passion starts to fade, or worse yet, dies?
You’re often left with work, struggle and plain ol’ boredom.
If only there were a way to keep your passion alive…
Wait! There is!
It’s called…”Your Purpose” (echo echo echo).
Your purpose is your passion’s fuel!
Let’s be clear here. I’m not talking about your business purpose, i.e.: why did you start this business?
I’m talking about your one and only INNER PURPOSE.
The inner purpose that fuels ALL you do – including your passion.
The truth is, your career could be any number of things. In fact, over your lifetime you may have, or have already had, multiple careers and/or jobs. There’s nothing wrong with that. It’s a great way to learn and grow.
Think back on the ones you were passionate about when you started and for one reason or another, the passion fizzled out. That’s because you couldn’t maintain that passion without a bigger purpose to keep you passionate.
When you know your inner purpose:
- you bring your whole self to your work.
- you show up differently – with conviction and strength that comes from within.
- you know why you’re doing this gig (and the next) and what you innately bring to the table.
When you find your purpose, it doesn’t mean you’ll be stuck doing the same job forever – unless you want to. It means if you want to change jobs or shift your career focus, you can do it more easily because you take your purpose with you. Your purpose is based in who you are, not in an outer reason.
In fact, as your passion fades (because even if you know your purpose and you love what you do that will likely still happen – hey, where human), reconnecting with your inner purpose will relight the match and spark renewed vigour and new inspiration for a new expansion of your current work. You’ll reignite the fuel that recharges your passion.
You are always growing. You will always be looking for the next thing to challenge you and keep you motivated. That’s what makes life fun.
When you know your purpose, it helps you bring more of who you truly are to every experience and frees you to show up as your best self, not shy away or doubt or worry if this is the right thing to do.
You make decisions from a different place.
You shift out of your head and into your heart.
You know if something’s a good fit for you because it feels right.
Whether what you’re doing is for vocation or volunteer, you’ll feel great because you’re in alignment with your inner purpose.
Your purpose is based in who you are when you’re at your best and how you naturally show up in every encounter. It’s what draws people to you. It’s the magnetic qualities that make your friends YOUR friends, your lovers YOUR lovers, your clients YOUR clients.
It’s that invisible, hard to define, often elusive, usually just out of reach “thing” that we strive to know and spend years searching for, yet it’s in you waiting and wanting to be discovered.
And when you do…that kind of self-awareness makes life more clear and less trying, more focused and less frustrating because you feel more centred and grounded.
It’s like you’re looking around with a new set of eyes because your vision for yourself just shifted. Your eyes not only see yourself differently but very often allow you to see a different path or way of doing things that before was hidden by fog or blocked off entirely.
If you want to maintain your passion, knowing your purpose is the key.
Purpose fuels your passion, in your business AND in your life.