How are you showing up these days—for yourself and/or your clients?
Are you hiding behind fears?
Are you worried about judgment?
Are you feeling the need to learn more first?
I get it. If you’re an introvert like me, it can be especially difficult to show up at all.
What I know for sure is that showing up more is a process.
It’s a series of baby steps, one after the other, leading you little by little out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes leaps of faith are required.
Whether you’re creating a business or have desires lingering in your heart, you have to show up more in one way or another. Why? Because something is calling you toward more.
Dreams can’t find you if you’re hiding.
When I started my business, I did it as a side hustle. (I was too afraid to go all in.) I was shy and feeling inexperienced. In fact, I felt like a complete fraud. My website reflected it. It was black and white, full of “corporate speak” and I don’t think it included a single photo of me.
As I worked through mindset blocks, gained more confidence, knew more of what I wanted, and was coached on how to create an effective website, I timidly added a photo (only because I was told I had to).
Now here’s something you need to know about me, particularly back then…I HATED getting my picture taken. I loved being behind a camera (and still do) but in front of the camera, I froze and felt awkward. And it showed.
Here’s the picture I posted on my website back then…
I still like that photo, partly because of the memories it evokes; it was taken during an autumn writing retreat in France. But those are my memories. For a website—for prospects coming to my site for the first time—how open and friendly do I seem?
However, it was better than no photo at all. It helped to create a connection.
Posting it felt daring. It felt vulnerable. But I did it anyway. It was a step toward showing up more.
Another photo on my site around that time was this one (I’m wearing my favourite travel scarf again; taken during dinner with a friend on a different trip, this time in Tuscany)…
This photo is a little more friendly perhaps but the glare on my glasses, ‘red-eye’ and the overall darkness and shadows could be improved. I used this photo on the contact page of my website, not much larger than you see it here.
Still, I was daring to show up a bit more. I was offering an impression of me even though it made my stomach churn with nerves that people might actually see the picture.
My mindset then was all about judgement from others. What would they think of me?
I was less aware of my self-judgment; what did not wanting to show up say about how I felt about myself?
As I developed my skills, confidence and did my inner work, I began to shift my mindset.
I realized that my business wasn’t about me. I stopped asking questions like: How do I compare with others? What are they offering? How can I do it better or differently?
If you’re asking yourself similar questions, they come from a place of competition; feeling you have to prove you’re better than someone else in order to ask for a price you want.
That’s a stressful place to show up from and your prospects can feel it.
The more I shifted to looking at my business as a way to serve others, the more comfortable I got showing up in many ways: on my website, my blog, video, interviews, guest blogging, sales conversations, developing offers, etc.
It’s a shift from “I HAVE to do this work and in the way everyone else does it” to “I GET to do this work and will show up with the gifts only I offer.”
The shift is from struggle and doubt to purpose and confidence.
If you chose to have a business, you essentially chose to step onto a path where you need to keep showing up. Remember, it’s not about you; you’re showing for them (your clients).
They need you to show up. They’re waiting for you to show up more.
You’re continually growing and evolving.
Baby step after baby step will ease you into and through every stage.
What photo do I have on my website now? This one (one of four scattered throughout):
As long as you have a desire for more, you’ll need to show up in a way you haven’t yet done so.
Here’s an inquiry for you:
The world needs you to show up more now than ever before with the brightest light you’re willing to shine. Then baby step after baby step, allow your light to shine brighter.
If I can show up more—a once very shy introvert—you can do it too.
Much love,

Your website is your key sales tool. Simple mistakes can cost you a client or a sale.
What should you include and exclude?
How do you grab someone’s attention and keep them interested?
How do you stand out in a crowded (and ever-growing) online marketplace?
I’ll talk about these issues and more during my live 90-minute online Website Workshop via Zoom this Thursday August 6th, 2020 at 10 am PT / 1 pm ET.
PLUS I’ll review participant websites (optional). Walk away with actionable tips to make YOUR website more attractive to your dream clients.
No website yet? Learn what to do so you can show up with confidence.
Registration is only $50. CLICK HERE to sign up.