Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…. About Spaghetti and Pizza

When it comes to your marketing, why throw spaghetti at the wall hoping something will stick when you can serve pizza to pizza lovers and they’ll all enjoy it?
Spaghetti and pizza are both Italian food but the pizza-lovers aren’t looking for spaghetti. They’re looking for pizza.
This is why targeted marketing is much more effective than random marketing.
Remember, the goal of list-building is not how many people are on your list but that your list is built of the right people – those who want what you have to offer (pizza with your own secret sauce), those who you can most help (pizza lovers) and those who are ready to buy (hungry pizza lovers).
Slow and steady wins the race with focussed intention and targeted marketing.
Speak to the people you most want to work with and let the spaghetti lovers find another place to eat.
You’ve got this!
