[RANT] ARG! If you’re making this common mistake, Stop! NOW!

I’m usually a very quiet, calm and positive person. But when I see entrepreneurs doing this… it Makes Me CRAZY!!

Here’s what I see over and over again…

Smart, driven women who really want to make a difference in people’s lives struggling to get clients and make money from their business.

I see them spending hours, weeks, months, even years creating websites, packages and courses that are fantastic and can really help their clientele however, they focus all their marketing efforts on building their social media following, without any people ever reaching out to work with them!

[Warning: Rant imminent…]



Just because you have 10,000 followers and get lots of ‘Likes’ on a picture you’ve posted does not mean they’ll buy from you – EVER!

Here’s what’s happening: 

Some people have algorithms set up to automatically follow you back when you follow them.
Result: your follower numbers increase WITHOUT THEM EVEN KNOWING WHO YOU ARE!

Some people have auto-replies that immediately post a Like or generic comment when you post something.

Some people follow a bunch of people in the hope they’ll follow back.
Meaning: THEY DON’T CARE WHO YOU ARE! They just want to build their numbers.

Here’s the TRUTH…

It’s NOT important how many people are following you but that YOU ARE ATTRACTING THE RIGHT PEOPLE!
Those who resonate most with what you offer and who really want the help you’re offering.

THEY are the ones who will ACTUALLY BUY FROM YOU!!!

Instead, focus on connecting with the right people, continually.

What’s the best way to do that?


In order to get on your email list, they have to give you their email address. People don’t do that thoughtlessly (like they do when they click Like).

By giving you their email address, they’re actually TELLING you they’re interested in something you’re offering!


Once on your list, you can build a relationship with them and create a deeper connection by sending them helpful blog posts, newsletters and offers. Each is an opportunity for them to see how you can help solve their problem and how they can work with you.

Plus, email goes directly into their inbox where they’re more likely to see it and read it, rather than a blip as they mindlessly scroll through social media and the plethora of pretty pictures that catch their attention and thumb but not their mind and heart.

Sure, continue to post on social media. It’s a great tool for free exposure. But focus on attracting your ideal clients and DRIVE THEM TO JOIN YOUR EMAIL LIST so you can continue to connect with them! They are the ones who will actually read and connect with what you have to offer, eventually reaching out to work with you.

Let’s get real here…

Would you rather have 10,000 people who never connect with you or 100 who resonate with what you’re doing, buy what you’re selling and love their results thereby referring their friends?

Focus on building your email list and create the relationships that will allow you to create a successful business.

Btw – if you’re not making money in your business, YOU DO NOT HAVE A BUSINESS. You have an expensive HOBBY!

STOP counting numbers and START making a difference!

Mic drop. [Rant over]

Did you know that less than 6% of social media posts get noticed?
Email? 90%



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