I invite you today to take a few moments, sit down with a cup of tea, your favourite journal and pen and consider this…
Tag: perseverance

3 Keys To Getting Exactly What You Want (And Deserve) In Your Business And Life
You wouldn’t drive your car with a blindfold on. Why are you wearing one when you drive your business?
Learn how to steer your business (and life) in a way that feels right to you.

5 Ways Your Ego Is Probably F*cking With You, RIGHT NOW!
Ego: Friend or Foe?
Learn how ego shows up and what you can do about it.

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Lisa Nichols
Lisa Nichols drives home the cost of playing it safe.
Beautiful words by an inspirational woman.

How To Deserve The Award For Leading Lady In Your OWN Life
Are you the leading lady in your own life? Or are you the best supporting character or simply “woman in coffee shop”? If you’re ready step up to more, read this.

When fear keeps you from fulfilling your mission, think of this…
We all have fears. As entrepreneurs, if we want our business to grow, sometimes we have to face our fears head on. Think of this the next time fear is holding you back.

How To Stay On Course in the Entrepreneurial Seas
Traversing the ever changing river of entrepreneurial life can be challenging. Has this ever happened to you?

The Old Man And The ‘C’
…Or 11 Business Lessons Learned From The Lure Of A Fake Moon