Any time you want to take a chance, try something new, or step even a tiny bit outside of your comfort zone (let alone a lot outside of it), the dance begins.
This is the two-step of your head and heart — your ego and soul.
Ego says, “No, wait! You’ve never done this before!” Soul says, “Come on! It’ll be fun!”
For me, the dance used to look like this…
First, I’d get an idea that seemed exciting. Then I’d simmer on it for a while (often a long while), pondering all the steps involved to be sure I was ready. (I never felt ready.)
I was like a wallflower at the school dance hoping someone would ask me (because I really did want to dance) but at the same time, hoping they wouldn’t (because everyone would see me).
Have you ever felt like that?
When I’d finally get up the nerve to do whatever it was, I’d take one small step out of my comfort zone then two steps back to observe any fall-out, like a turtle retreating into its shell then peeking out to see if it’s safe. “What was the response?”, I’d wonder. “Did anyone even notice?” (Usually they didn’t.)
What felt HUGE to me was barely a blip on someone else’s radar.
Can you relate?
Then, when the next idea came, I’d go through it all again: idea, wait, get up the courage, take a step, retreat and watch. Repeat.
The frustrating dance of taking a chance.
Baby step after baby step, pause after pause, I’d slowly move forward; my heart attempting to lead and my head, the shy debutante, running back to the wall for safety.
Gradually, I became more comfortable letting my heart take the lead and found it was a relief to release the need to control everything.
Soon I was dancing faster. There was less time between “songs”. Baby steps turned into leaps, some elegant, some not; it didn’t matter. I was having fun.
Chance felt like opportunity filled with delightful possibilities.
Retreating felt like regrouping and growing, not hiding and stagnating.
When you let happiness and how you want to feel guide your next actions instead of letting what you think you’re supposed to do or what others might think trip you up, it’s no longer about “shoulds” or comparison, competition or copying, the Joneses or the gurus.
It’s about trusting that you know what you want. Accepting that you’re enough. Listening to your heart and letting it plan the strategy for your happiness because only you know what makes your heart sing and the tune it wants to dance to…no chance required.
What’s the song in your heart right now?
Are you dancing to a different tune?
How can you let your heart take the lead, even a little bit more?
Want help letting your heart take the lead? Let’s chat.