A great way to get your message across to your followers is by writing. There are numerous avenues for the written word: emails, blog posts, articles, sales campaigns, social media posts….
Another way to get your message out is via video.
And of course there are opportunities for in-person connection too: as a key-note speaker and at networking events etc.
For now, I’m going to focus on writing because in business, there is a LOT of writing and hey, that’s why you came here, but the premise applies to all styles of business communication.
Many people struggle with their writing because they want to ensure they speak to everyone. After all, they feel they have the solution that will fix everyone’s problem. But the result is they get overwhelmed by what to say and end up feeling what they do write is boring and general. (Their readers agree.)
The most effective way to communicate with your audience – and really connect with them – is to only focus on ONE person.
You can’t solve the problems of a million people, but you CAN help one person effectively.
Now you might be asking, “If I only focus on one person, I’m essentially ignoring the millions of others. How does that work?”
It works for a few reasons:
- Your message is targeted and specific.
- Your writing will feel personal to the reader.
- Your writing will become easier.
- Your message will become more powerful.
- You will build your authority and gain trust.
Okay, so now what? How do you know who to write for? Which ONE person should you be writing to?
Should you pick that guy who you know will really benefit from your product or service but you also know you’ll need to work hard to convince because he doesn’t seem that interested?
“This seems like a good idea because I need to convince people to buy, right? Isn’t that what marketing is all about?” Hang on….
Should you pick your last client? You helped them but you really didn’t enjoy the experience but you did get great results.
“This seems like a good idea because I can write about what they need next so I can retain their business.” Question: Do you want to retain them?
Here’s the deal: To write in a way that is engaging, you must create what’s called an Avatar.
An Avatar is a profile of your ideal customer.
If you’re new in business, you can make the person up – but create as full a profile of your imaginary person as you can.
If you’ve been in business for a while, your Avatar is a compilation of the best character traits from your favourite clients. Or if you’ve had one particular client you’d love to find more like, use that person as your Avatar.
Here are some questions to help you envision your perfect client (write down your answers):
Are they male or female?
How old?
Give them a name.
Do they have kids? Pets?
Where do they live (town/city/country)? House, condo, apartment?
Who do they live with?
What is their profession?
Imagine a day in their life.
What problems do they frequently have?
How can you help them solve those problems?
Get as specific as you can. Imagine them as a real person.
Now, whenever you sit down to write, write to them specifically. (Think: Dear Emma…)
What results from writing to your Avatar is that you attract people who fit the same or very similar profile – your ideal client – because they feel like you are talking to them specifically.
They will feel as though you really understand them.
They come to you already feeling like you have the solution they need to solve their problems – the ones that keep them awake at night.
Isn’t that easier than trying to convince someone who isn’t interested in what you have to offer?
And here’s the other thing that writing to your Avatar does: You actually repel those clients you’d rather not work with anyway.
Show you know how to help one person – your ideal client – and you’ll attract many more similar people wanting to experience the same results and transformation.
Your writing becomes magnetic and YOU become irresistible.