Should you use T & A in your marketing? Absolutely! …but maybe you’re think of the wrong T & A…

Top 3 Mistakes People Make On Their About Page (and how to fix them)
When writing your own web copy, your About Page can be the hardest page to write.
By avoiding these 3 common mistakes and knowing what to do instead, you’ll create an engaging About Page that will have people eager to learn how to work with you.

3 Easy Ways To Make Your Home Page Attract Your Ideal Client
Want to keep people on your site for more than 5 seconds? Here are three simple ways to do that.

When fear keeps you from fulfilling your mission, think of this…
We all have fears. As entrepreneurs, if we want our business to grow, sometimes we have to face our fears head on. Think of this the next time fear is holding you back.

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Terry Pratchett
How do stories affect us? Let Sir Terry Pratchett tell you.

How To Stay On Course in the Entrepreneurial Seas
Traversing the ever changing river of entrepreneurial life can be challenging. Has this ever happened to you?

Sure, you can look at it that way…
How do you interpret your past and present?

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Charles de Lint
Charles de Lint eloquently reflects on our life stories.

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Neil Gaiman
Neil Gaiman nails the magic of stories. See if you agree.
3 Possible Stories. How Do You Chose?
Every story can be told from multiple perspectives.
How do you choose from which angle to tell your stories?
If you want loyal customers and donors, you want to be sure you get this right.

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Ken Kesey
“To hell with facts! We need stories!” Ken Kesey

Would you have done what I did?
We visit or avoid shops for various reasons. What would you have done if this happened to you?