Brad Pitt? Or Mr. Winkle? How do your customers perceive you?

Scout, Boo & You. Novel business lessons you need to know.
How can stories change our self-perception?
And what does that have to do with your business?
Harper Lee’s classic and new novels illustrate just how.

The Old Man And The ‘C’
…Or 11 Business Lessons Learned From The Lure Of A Fake Moon

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Thomas Friedman
The importance of being optimistic.
How to grow a US$625 million business by giving half your product away – everyday. They did it…
Should you build a business based on a product? Find out how one company shot that theory all to H#%%.

Life is like a choice of restaurants. You never know where you’re gonna eat. Until you read this…
What influences our decisions? It’s not always what you might think…
Should You Ever Poke Fun At Your Own Story?
Does humour have a place in marketing? You tell me after you’ve seen these…