Are you looking for your purpose? Is something inside aching for a feeling of meaning in your life?
If you’re like most people who are seeking to find their purpose, you’re looking for something to do that will make you feel whole. You’re looking for a career path or way to live your life that feels rewarding so you’ll finally know your reason for being here.
It feels as though once you find your real purpose, you’ll finally be truly happy. Am I right?
But what if finding your purpose isn’t about what you do?
It isn’t about showing up as you think you’re supposed to (and finding it isn’t enough).
It isn’t about doing the work you think will make you happy (only to find it still doesn’t).
It isn’t about getting the status, or the money, or the stuff that Western society regards as symbols of success.
What if your purpose — your true purpose — is about being who you really are, deep down inside, in your heart and soul?
It’s about seeing underneath the many roles you play and accepting that who you really are IS your purpose. All the other stuff — the jobs, your family, your hobbies — are your passions, not your purpose. They’re how you bring your purpose to life.
So if you’re agonizing over trying to find your purpose and feeling hopeless because you keep looking for it and can’t find it, look inside.
Who are you at your core? What’s the bigger, inner purpose of your life?
What you’re really seeking to find is your heart purpose.
When you’re aligned with your heart purpose, happiness is a natural by-product.
Finding your heart purpose allows you to honour and accept who you really are.
You understand the gifts you naturally bring to all your relationships so that when you’re in your job or with family and friends or doing your hobbies, you know the value you’re really bringing to the table.
Once you’re aware of your heart purpose, you can see how you’re already living it and where you might want to make changes. And you’re able to make those changes from an inner knowing instead of a best-guess.
How would finding your heart purpose shift how you show up for your life each day?
And should your circumstances change and you find yourself facing a new chapter in your life, you won’t feel knocked off kilter or lost.
Who you are at your heart doesn’t change when the kids leave home, when your marriage ends, when you retire…
In fact, all of your jobs and relationships can change, morph or fall away, and you’ll still feel on purpose because when you know who you are — who you are at your heart — you take that with you wherever you go. It’s the essence of who you are.
Finding your heart purpose means finding your true self.
If you’d like help finding your heart purpose, allow me to take you through a process that reveals who you are at your heart, in a way you’ve not been able to see before.
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