Have you ever taken a self-help course with great hope and expectation that it would fix whatever it is in your life you deem to be broken…but nothing changed, or if it did, it didn’t “stick”?
The reason is…
1. You’re not broken; you don’t need to be “fixed”. There’s nothing wrong with you.
2. You’re looking for a solution “out there” instead of accepting yourself as who you were born to be.
Throughout our lives we learn how to fit into society, our families, school, our peer groups, etc. We play each role as we think we’re supposed to and how we think others want us to.
Through trial and error, we quiet or amplify parts of ourselves in order to feel accepted.
We laden ourselves with “shoulds” and “should nots” then assume that if we’re not happy, something is wrong with us and we need mending.
What if, instead, you accepted that who you are naturally is who you’re meant to be?
The more you accept yourself, the happier you become.
However, change requires change.
You can’t get to a new town by driving around on the same roads in your current town.
Meaning, if your heart isn’t happy, it’s asking you to change direction.
A different experience requires a new perspective.
If you’ve done courses, read self-help books and asked the Universe for something outside of you to change, ie: your partner to act differently, a career you actually like, your parents to love you more…and nothing much is different, perhaps that’s because the answer lies within.
After all, if a bone in your arm breaks, you don’t put a cast on your partners arm.
Happiness is an emotion which comes as the result of a happy heart.
“If you think something is missing in your life, it is probably YOU…”
— Robert Holden
This coming Monday February 15th, 2021 I will begin hosting a 5-week inner journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance called Write To Your Heart.
Every Monday during our five weeks together, you’ll receive a short video (about 10 minutes) that introduces the week’s topic. Then you’ll be given a “living question”. This is not a question to answer quickly because quick answers come from your head. This is an inquiry — a question to let simmer inside you and ponder upon for the week as you go about your daily tasks.
I recommend you make time each day to journal on the question. As a writer, I know the power of putting pen to paper. There’s a magic that happens when you get out of your head and let the writing flow without editing. A conversation begins between heart and hand. Beauty and wisdom reveals itself.
On the first Monday of the program, you’ll also receive a guided meditation to help you move out of your head and into your heart space. I recommend you listen to it before you journal. If meditation is new to you or you’re hesitant to try it, there’s nothing to fear. It will simply help you quiet your thoughts and centre your awareness onto your heart so you can better hear its whispers.
Every Tuesday through Friday of the program, you’ll also receive a daily note of inspiration to your inbox which supports the week’s inquiry.
And you’ll be supported on your journey with two live Zoom calls: Feb. 25th and March 18th, both from 11am to 12pm ET.
All the details, as well as a short video from me explaining the program, can be found by clicking the button below.
Write To Your Heart begins Monday, February 15th, 2021
Registration deadline is tomorrow, Friday February 12th.
P.S. I’m offering this program at a pay-what-you-can option because I don’t want price to be a barrier to doing this work.