A dear friend once gave me this advice: "Notice what you notice."
Huh? I didn't quite know what she meant. (In fact, it kind of ticked me off.) Because I thought, "Obviously if I notice something, I'm noticing it." I should have known she was much wiser than I gave her credit.
I've since come to realize the profundity of her statement.
I realized I was going through life 'seeing' things, even 'noticing' things - there's a car, there are two people, there's my neighbour, there's a tree - but I wasn't noticing what was drawing my eye. I wasn't noticing what the thing that drew my eye was trying to tell me or why my eye was drawn there in the first place.
Let me explain...
All around you, all day, every day, are things, events and happenings that have a message for you, if you pay attention.
What I've come to discover is that something inside of us (our Soul, our Spirit, our inner being, our consciousness) and the Universe (oneness, universal intelligence ...whatever you call it) are always trying to get our attention and speak to us. However, unless we're consciously paying attention - noticing - we don't notice it.
Here's an example that happened to me last week...
Whenever I go for a walk, I (now) consciously notice what I notice. I call these walks Intuitive Walks.
I'm consciously aware and noticing where my eye lands as I'm scanning the pathway, the trees, the passers-by. I'm not looking for a sign (though sometimes I play that game too). In fact, I'm not looking for anything. I'm simply walking along, allowing my gaze to wander, allowing my eyes to be drawn to whatever catches their interest and being consciously aware - noticing - when something does.
Then I delve deeper: "Ah! My eye was drawn to that stump. I wonder why?" Then I check in with my feelings. Does that stump make me feel anything when I look at it? Is there a thought that pops into my mind when I look at the stump? If so, what's the thought?
I'm noticing what I'm noticing not only with my eyes but internally too.
I even ask myself, "Is there something I need to know? Is there a message for me?"
If I don't get anything (a feeling, a thought, a message, a reminder, an insight, an inspiration...) I allow my eyes to continue scanning until they're drawn to something else, then I go through it all again, noticing what I notice.
This past weekend, on an Intuitive Walk, I added an element...
I said to my inner being and higher intelligence, "Okay, Buddy, you're in charge. Lead me wherever you want me to go, show me whatever you want me to see and tell me whatever I need to know."
I had just entered my local cemetery. It's a 200+ acre 'park' in the centre of the city. It's a quiet place to walk with many meandering roadways and very (very) little traffic which many people use daily for cycling, walking and running. As I entered, I asked my inner companion, "Which way?" "To the right." So off I (we) went. At every crossroad or fork in the road, I closed my eyes, kept walking (with my eyes closed) and said, "Which way?" I allowed myself to be directed. Every time I asked, I'd feel my body pull to the right or left. Then I'd open my eyes and keep walking in that direction.
Soon, my eyes were drawn to a majestic maple tree in the centre of one of the plots. I felt compelled to go to it. I stood looking at the tree, noticing it's girth, it's height, it's thickly grooved bark. I wondered how old it was. But I wasn't getting any message. I wondered why I had been compelled to go to it.
I started to walk away but something made me stop.
I turned to look at it again wondering what the big deal was. Why was I drawn here? Then I felt the urge to walk around the tree to the other side; the side I hadn't seen.
And when I did, I almost started to cry.
This huge vibrant tree was hollow.
Here are a few photos of the tree and the messages she had for me (in italics)...

From just above ground level, right up to my eye level, she was split and hollow. She was so hollow that had the opening been wider, an adult could have entered and stood comfortably inside.
Messages began flooding to me:
- You are stronger and more resilient than you will ever know.
- Your trials add to your beauty.
- Your story is what makes you who you are.

While the other side of the tree trunk was completely unscarred, not revealing any sign of her trials, here, around her wound, the bark seemed to be splayed back. It was smooth with a lovely curve and striations of greys with exposed and exaggerated growth rings.
It was as though her trials had both softened and strengthened her.
Her split with the arched top felt like a welcoming doorway for creatures to huddle safely inside.
She had compassion, this tree.
- You may have gone through a lot and felt hollowed out, but you're still here and you're still growing, supporting so many others and adding beauty to the world.

- There's light at the end of the tunnel
- As above, so below.

I’m here to support you in your growth and transformation. Feel free to book a no-obligation call with me here.