on following your inner guidance…

Every spring, I anxiously await the single sound that, to me, heralds in the season: the song of the robin. (I’m still waiting.)

On my walks, I start looking for tiny white snowdrops, tips of daffodil leaves and crocus’ colourful Easter bonnets peeking out from under shrubby edges or pushing through crusty remnants of retreating snow, each of us welcoming the warmer sun and longer days.

“The flowers of late winter and early spring
occupy places in our hearts
well out of proportion to their size.”
— Gertrude S. Wister

Spring signals renewal and growth.

Stagnant energy is escorted out as rejuvenating energy dances its way in on fresh breezes.

Buds on branches plump up, readying themselves to burst open in glory.

Where I used to live, spring meant bunnies munching tender clover on my lawn, or a mother fox relaxing as her kits played in the afternoon sun that kissed the edge of the forest adjoining our property.

Everything in spring, it seems, wakes up from a much needed rest.

How about you?

Spring reminds us that there’s beauty in starting again.

And when our time is right — when all of the unseen changes that have been going on below the surface — the germinating of new ideas, the rooting ourselves so we feel safe and strong, the sprouting of our inner essence in preparation of stepping into our purpose — we, too, can and will bloom again.

Is something in you ready to burst forth or do you need a little more time?

Wherever you are in your journey, here’s a little reminder…

Whenever you lack confidence,
think “I am a tree.”

Just like a tree’s roots,
there’s so much more to you that no one else sees.

Just like the growth rings,
you’re constantly expanding.

Just like the branches,
you’re always reaching for new heights.

Just like the leaves,
you evolve with life’s seasons;
there’s a time to bud, blossom, become, share your fruit, let go and rest.

Every stage is the perfect stage.

And you’re not meant to be anything but a tree
because the seed from which you sprouted
was not meant to sprout a flower.

Repeat after me:
“I am a tree.”

your Soul

If you’re feeling ready to sprout but need a champion by your side, I’m here for you. Let’s chat.