What to do when your but blocks your vision

You can set all the milestones you want to hit and fill up your calendar with weekly action steps, but regardless of your goal, desire, dream, wish or intention, it’s important to make your subconscious conscious otherwise you’ll find it hard to achieve your vision (if you ever do).

I’m not a big proponent of setting lofty concrete goals and fixed action steps. At least, not at first. Why? Because those tend to come from your head without any consideration for your heart. They’re what your ego thinks you “should” be doing.

I believe that if you want to be happy in a specific area of your life (or happy in general), you first need to discover and connect with the vision in your heart so your actions are aligned with your soul’s compass.

Once you’ve connected with your heart’s desire, have a conversation with your ego before you begin taking action toward it, otherwise your ego will make you question, doubt and sabotage yourself.

Whenever you want something more, better or different, your ego does everything it can to stop you simply because it’s afraid of the unknown. So even if your current circumstance isn’t great, your ego knows what to expect. Therefore, your ego is going to throw up every stop sign it can think of to keep you in place.

For every reason you give for wanting something, your ego will counter with a “Yeah, but…” These are all the things you say to talk yourself out of an idea.

To get where you want to go, you have to kick your own buts so they don’t block your vision.

Just like checking Google Maps for any detours or slow-downs before you set out on a long drive will help make your journey more pleasant, knowing where your personal hold-ups are ahead of time will help you plan the best course of action for you. You may not get there any faster, but you’ll be a much happier traveler.

How do you kick your buts?

Give your ego the microphone. Hear it out. Write down all the doubts, fears, worries and excuses you have about moving toward this vision. Give them a voice. Acknowledge them. What’s the truth in them? What could you do if each fear occurred? Your ego eases up when there’s an action plan.

Thank your ego for revealing its worries. Then say, “Yet, I know in my heart, I deserve to be happy.” Then ask your ego to help you figure out how to bring your vision to life. The ego loves being involved in the plan. It will team up with your brain and start offering ideas. Your ego’s like a concerned parent who worries a lot but still wants to be involved in your life. Ease its fears and invite it to the table.

Remember, happiness is a feeling. It comes from your heart, not your head.

In order to be happy in your business and life, put your heart in the driver’s seat. Your ego can navigate (or nap in the backseat). Just don’t let its “but” block your vision.

What’s one vision you have for yourself?
What does your ego have to say about it?
How can you get your ego on board so your actions align with your heart?

Want help moving past your ego’s stop signs? Let’s chat.