Yesterday a friend sent me an email. She was sharing photos that people have sent into a Facebook page called “View from my window.” Maybe you’ve heard of it.
The group was started on March 22nd, as the world we knew was grinding to a halt.
The idea for the group was that though we are having to stay inside, we can still be connected. The rule was simple: send in one photo of the view from your window and tell us where in the world you’re located (town/city and country). Only one photo per person is allowed, ever. People from all around the world began sending in photos.
There are currently 2.3 million members.
Scroll through the posts and you can feel the joy.
People are sharing what they most love about their view. They’re asking people who comment to tell them where they’re from. There are hundreds, even thousands, of comments Per Post!
People crave connection, joy, hope…Love.
When “tragedy” happens, we show up for one another. (I put tragedy in quotation marks because there’s always so much good that emerges.)
The woman who started the group is a graphic designer who had an idea that she could collect a small number of photos from people around the world. Her plan was to put together a traveling art show and a book with one photo representing each day of our shared experience.
She had no idea it would grow like this. She’s overwhelmed – with the response and the responsibility. It’s become her full time job. She’s had to call in help. She’s started a Kickstarter campaign to bring her dream of the show and the book to life. For every photo she selects, she wants the show to visit that person’s town.
You never know what will happen when you say Yes to your inspiration.
Not only has this changed her own life, she is bringing joy and connection to millions of people. A joy that will continue long after this is behind us. She’s creating an historical account for future generations; a glimpse into how people around the world spent a few weeks way back in 2020.
“Remember that?”, you’ll be saying to your friends 20 years from now as you gather together for a meal and reminisce about the good ole days.
Today, I was reading another friend’s post. He just turned 30. He was sharing how he deliberately used his 20’s to get comfortable stepping outside of his comfort zone. He said “Yes” to his bucket list items and “Yes” to trying things he thought he wouldn’t like. …some of which he now knows for sure he doesn’t like, and many more that surprised him.
Through trial and error – and daring to say Yes – he discovered his passion. Or as he says, it found him.
When we dare to let our hearts lead…
When we dare to listen to our inspiration…
When we dare to trust that our dreams are ours for a reason…
…we not only find things we’re passionate about, our purpose reveals itself to us.
As my friend wrote in his post, “When you say YES, you live outside your comfort zone. For me, the pursuit of experiences and saying yes to the uncomfortable led me to a life I never thought was possible for me. …Remember fear is temporary, regret is forever. Say YES to yourself.”
What are you wanting to say Yes to?
What will you regret if you don’t?
As the world begins to “re-open”, I invite you to ask yourself these three questions:
What has been the higher purpose of the Coronavirus for me?
How is Coronavirus inviting me to lead a more purpose-led life?
What will I take forward from my experience with Coronavirus?
I’m here to support you on your journey toward a YES life. Let’s chat.
Stay well, and dare to love yourself more.
P.S. Here’s the view from my window. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. May 25, 2020 10:30 am