Whether you’re creating a business or have desires lingering in your heart, you have to show up more in one way or another. Why? Because something is calling you toward more.
Dreams can’t find you if you’re hiding.
Whether you’re creating a business or have desires lingering in your heart, you have to show up more in one way or another. Why? Because something is calling you toward more.
Dreams can’t find you if you’re hiding.
Find out what holds most people back from writing content, the 2 biggest mistakes I see over and over again, 4 things you should be doing instead, and what to do if you feel you’re not a writer. Plus a whole lot more juicy stuff to get you motivated to write content for your business so your ideal clients are excited to work with you…
Learn what attracts your ideal clients (and has them saying ‘Yes!’ to working with you.)
Find out which page you should be focusing on and why.
My biggest pet peeve. And how to fix it.
Should you use T & A in your marketing? Absolutely! …but maybe you’re think of the wrong T & A…
Want to keep people on your site for more than 5 seconds? Here are three simple ways to do that.