Find out what holds most people back from writing content, the 2 biggest mistakes I see over and over again, 4 things you should be doing instead, and what to do if you feel you’re not a writer. Plus a whole lot more juicy stuff to get you motivated to write content for your business so your ideal clients are excited to work with you…
Tag: philosophy

The Single Most Important Question To Ask Yourself
In order to create a business you love and one that fits who you are, keep asking this question…

How To Find The Lessons That Are Awaiting You
We’re always being shown what need to know. The trouble is, we’re not always paying attention. Learn how you can easily find lessons that are awaiting you.

Two Important Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself Right Now…
I feel these just may be two of the most important questions you’ve asked yourself lately since your answer could make a significant difference in your life and/or business moving forward from this moment. Find out what they are!

5 Ways Your Ego Is Probably F*cking With You, RIGHT NOW!
Ego: Friend or Foe?
Learn how ego shows up and what you can do about it.

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Lisa Nichols
Lisa Nichols drives home the cost of playing it safe.
Beautiful words by an inspirational woman.

Still Looking For Your Passion? The Real Reason You Can’t Find It and What You Should Be Looking For Instead
Looking for your passion can be very discouraging, especially if you can’t find it. Or maybe you did find it but you’ve slowly lost your passion for it. Now what? Hear this: You’ve been going about it all wrong. Instead, you need to find THIS…

RANT: Why “The Bachelor” Irks Me and How It Might Be Affecting Your Business
Are you like the women on The Bachelor? You are if you’re doing this in your business…

How To Deserve The Award For Leading Lady In Your OWN Life
Are you the leading lady in your own life? Or are you the best supporting character or simply “woman in coffee shop”? If you’re ready step up to more, read this.

Quotes That Make You Go Hmmm…Harold Whitman
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask yourself this…

Who are you talking to? Do they care? How To Find and Engage Your Ideal Audience
Writing for your own business can be hard especially in a world with so much noise.
How do you get people to listen to what you have to say and be interested in what you have to offer?

5 Burnout-Busting Ideas For Entrepreneurs Determined To Succeed
Burnout is an entrepreneurial dream-killer.
These 5 burnout busting ideas will help you make it to the finish line with a smile on your face.