Two Important Questions You Should Be Asking Yourself Right Now…

I came across a video post from one of my favourite authors and speakers, Robert Holden, where he posed two questions that made me stop and deeply consider what my answers would be.

I wanted to share his questions with you.  I feel they just may be two of the most important questions you’ve asked yourself lately since your answer could make a significant difference in your life and/or business moving forward from this moment.

Are you ready?

Question 1: What is the stand you want to take in the world right now?

Let that question sink in.

Is there a stand you want to take in your personal life?

Perhaps it is to stop using plastic straws or buying your water in plastic bottles.

Maybe it is to only buy organic produce.

Is there a stand you want to take in your professional life?

Perhaps you no longer want to work with clients from a particular sector because their work is not in alignment with your values.

Maybe your stand is to “unplug” from 5pm Friday until 9am Monday – every week!

Take a few minutes and consider if there is a stand, or stands – big and/or small – that you want to take in the world right now. What would it/they be?

Now consider Robert’s second question…

Question 2: How will you share that with everyone you love and everybody you touch?

This brings into consideration whether you DO need to share it with others. Perhaps this is something you will take a personal, private, quiet, solitary stand on. No-one needs to know but you.

While you consider that, consider this…

If you did share your stand, how will others react? Do you care? Does it really matter?

Will sharing your stand create momentum for change as others learn about it from you?

If you take a stand in your business, will communicating your stand draw in the clients you most want to work with and repel the ones you’d rather not work with anyway? (Psst…your About page is a great place to share your stand.)

How and where else can you share your stand in a peaceful and productive way?

Here’s something else to consider… 

How will taking this stand make you feel moving forward?

How will taking this stand change your life for the better?

What’s my stand?

I’m taking a stand for women who are trying to find their feet and who want to create a business that fits who they are – or women who want to reshape their current biz into one that feels more fulfilling. If that’s you, know that I’m here to help you navigate through the confusion.

What’s your stand?
Share below, I’d love to know.

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photo credit: Pixabay