I’ve been thinking a lot lately about control. Specifically, how and where I try to control events (or people) in my life. I mean, if there’s one thing the pandemic has taught us all, it’s that there’s really not much we actually DO have control over. Yet try to be in control, we do.
These past few weeks, I’ve been in the midst of rebranding my website. For the first time, I’ve hired a web designer. Design is not my strong suit so I wanted to find someone who would work with me to formulate the vision in my head into something on the virtual page.
Here I was, wanting help, actively seeking it out, looking for someone to partner with, and yet I still tried to be in full control!
Have you ever done something like that?
It was a clunky start but we soon felt each other out and I’m super excited about how it’s coming together — stay tuned for the launch date!
It wasn’t until I let go of control and allowed him to show me his vision before I shared my ideas that things began to feel right with the design. I was delightfully surprised at what he showed me — designs I never would have thought of myself or wouldn’t have been able to achieve on my own.
It wasn’t until I allowed myself to trust that I hired the right person and it was okay not to be the boss in my business but, instead, co-creator, that things got easier and more fun.
When you think about it, business IS a co-creation. So is life.
It’s a co-creation between you and your vision. You and your clients, friends and family. You and your suppliers and people you interact with day to day.
None of us does life alone, so why do we keep trying to?
We’ve all had to make a lot of adjustments in this past year+. The pandemic has shown us that our plans for our lives and businesses aren’t always in our control.
One thing I know for sure is, whenever you let go of trying to be in control and instead, listen to your heart, let inspiration find you and trust it, you get into flow. Things get easier, better and funner.
It feels like the difference between paddling against the current or turning the boat around and letting the river guide you. It’s a lot less work and a much more enjoyable ride.
Let me be clear: Letting go of control is different than giving up or resigning yourself to your current circumstance.
I’m talking about surrendering to the desire in your heart and letting it plot your course. Allowing life to love you. Allowing serendipities to amaze you. Allowing for the right people to cross your path at the perfect time and recognizing it’s a gift meant just for you.
You simply can’t control that sort of thing.
I invite you to look at where you’re trying to be in control. If it’s not enjoyable, tune into your heart and ask, “How can this be easier?” Then trust your inspiration and allow the ‘River of Ease’ to guide your next steps.
Open your heart, listen to its whispers and step into the stream of possibilities.