3 Ways to Invite Happiness (plus a surprise gift!)

These days we’re navigating a rollercoaster of emotions. It can be hard to be, find or return to happiness. If you can relate, perhaps this can help…

Everything is energy, including your emotions. 

Your emotions are a mirror of the energy you’ve got going on inside you. When you’re sad, your emotions have a low vibration on the energy scale. Happiness is on the upper end of the scale.

At the same time, your energy affects your emotions. It’s a mood-enhancing or deflating loop-the-loop. 

Feel into this for a moment…

Think of something that makes you sad. Can you feel how your energy deflates and slows down? It can feel like your energy field almost retreats inside you for safety.

A low vibration emotion (sadness) is sluggish energy. When you go through sad times in your life, you don’t have energy to do much. You just want to curl up under a blanket. There’s nothing wrong with that; there’s healing to be done. Cocooning yourself can have some very healthy benefits. It can allow space for inspiration and transformation to work through you. But sometimes your energy can get stuck there. You get sluggish. Especially in these days of isolation and hours of binge-watching Netflix.

Sometimes you need to give your energy a kick-start. 

Now feel into something that makes you happy. Simply smiling can boost your mood. 

Happiness exists in a higher vibration. When you’re in that vibration, your energy moves faster. It feels expansive (because it is). You feel more energetic. You walk taller and more briskly. You feel there are more options and possibilities. You’re motivated. Inspiration finds you and you want to put it into action.  

How can you raise your vibrations and invite in happiness? 

Here are a few ways:

1. Raise your vibration through thought alone. 

Like attracts like. Higher vibrational thoughts attract higher vibrational emotions, and vice versa. 

Run through a list of all the things you’re grateful for in your life and in this moment, and feel your gratitude for them.

Think of your ideal life then feel into that vision as though you’re living it now. 

2. Meditate.

Release or clear your mind of thoughts (negative or otherwise) to allow for inspiration to find you. 

3. Move your body. Moving your body gets your energy moving. 

Go for a walk in the sunshine.

Play with your pet, if you have one.

Put on your favourite music and dance. 

When I feel uninspired or lack motivation, one thing I often do is put it on a playlist I’ve created of my favourite songs—ones that make me want to jump up and dance. I crank up the volume and dance around my living room. It never fails to lift my spirits.

One day when my daughter first started working from home because of Covid, I decided to do one of these ‘dance parties’. She soon came out of her room shouting, “Mom! Turn that down, I’m trying to work! It’s so loud you can’t even hear me calling you!” (Where have I heard that before? 😆) Frankly, having my adult kid tell me to turn down the music lifted my spirits even more! I’m smiling now just thinking about it. But that didn’t stop me from doing it again — except now, I use earbuds. 

SO with that in mind…I created playlist on Spotify to share with you which includes some of my current “jump up and dance” songs! (If you don’t have Spotify, you can listen on a free account.)

Heartfully Happy Tunes playlist

Feel free to play it anytime you want to raise your vibes – earbuds optional. 


Is there a song that lifts your vibes and makes YOU want to jump up and dance? Shoot me an email, let me know and I’ll add it to the playlist!