When writing attention-grabbing headlines, it can be a fine line between “click bait” (a big no-no) and “click-worthy” (your ultimate goal).
How far is too far when enticing your readers to click?
Click bait vs Click-worthy
Click bait means you’ve created an attention-getting headline simply for the purpose of getting the person to click the link and open your content, however the headline doesn’t end up having much, if anything, to do with the content.
Your headline over-promised and the content really under-delivered.
Click bait headlines tend to be sensational, dramatic and/or misleading.
Click bait therefore is deceptive.
Here’s what a click bait headline may look like for a health coach promoting a weight loss program:
Life-Changing Weight Loss Answers Doctors Never Share!
Whoa! “Life changing”? Can you really promise that – to everyone?
“Doctors Never Share.” Really? All doctors? 1. How do you know? 2. That’s a very broad, sweeping assumption.
And if you clicked to read more, you’d find out that none of the statements made in the headline are actually substantiated. (How can they be?)
When you use click bait, your audience quickly begins to mistrust you. You do NOT want that!
Click-worthy means you’ve created a headline that is just as it sounds: worthy of being clicked because it has value to offer therefore worth your time to read.
A click-worthy headline should grab the readers interest and get them curious to learn more while also being honest.
Click-worthy headlines get your content opened.
Once opened, your reader will be satisfied that the content you provided offered good information that supported what the title promised.
Here’s what a click-worthy headline may look like for a health coach promoting a weight loss program:
Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days And Feel Great In Your Holiday Dress!
This headline creates interest and has an enticing promise.
While 10 lbs in 10 days may still sound like over-promising, if the health coach’s content shares multiple success stories and they have a program that gets consistent results, then they’re backing up their claim. They’d also have to say that results vary for individuals so they don’t over-promise. And who doesn’t feel better in their clothes once they’ve dropped a few pounds – even if they’re not yet at their goal weight?
Click-worthy headlines build trust with your readers because they will see that you deliver on your promises while also allowing them to learn how you can help them – honestly and authentically. This you DO want!
The next time you’re crafting a headline or subject line, keep this tip in mind…
…if you’d say your headline to a friend in a conversation, then it’s not likely click bait.
Photo by Vojtech Okenka from Pexels
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