It feels as if the world is starting to open up again. How does that make you feel? Excited? Happy? Tentative? Worried?
Are you ready to come out of your bubble — a bubble that now, perhaps, feels safe with a new routine?
Do you feel a bit anxious, like you’re not quite ready — there are loose ends to tie up and you need a bit more time?
Are you looking forward to getting together with friends, to move around and go places?
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been feeling all those things at different times and to varying degrees.
In Toronto, where I live (a COVID hot spot), about 68% of people 19 years of age and over have had their first vaccine. People 70+ are now getting their second with younger age groups being phased in incrementally. (I hope to get my second in early August.) Soon restaurants, stores and (fingers crossed) hair stylists will be allowed to reopen with limited capacity.
It feels like the pandemic is loosening its grip, in Toronto at least. How about where you live?
At the beginning of the pandemic, in an attempt to make sense of it all, I did what I’ve come to do and trust: I tuned into my Soul and the collective consciousness — the collective of Souls (mine, yours and everyone’s) because at a soul level we are all connected. I asked what our souls most wanted us to know in that moment in time. You can read what I received then here.
Today, as I’m feeling an easing of the virus’ purpose and an opening to what’s next for me, you and everyone, I tuned in again and asked the same question: What do you, the soul collective, most what us all to know right now?
Here’s what I heard:
COVID was an opportunity to go within, to rediscover what’s truly important to you.
As you begin to go out into the world and expand your physical connections, do not be fearful. Greet each other with appreciation and love, with a shared understanding that you’ve both been through a shared experience, with compassion that you each walked your own path and your journeys were unique.
This time of COVID allowed you to come home to what is most important — each in your own bubble under a global bubble — individuals within a greater whole — the masks forcing you to look into one another’s eyes and see the humanity and the soul of the person in front of you. Take that with you. Remember what is important. Remember your compassion. Remember you are love and have the choice to live in fear or love. You have free will. How will you choose to go forth? What lessons from this time will you take with you?
Remember the gifts of this time.
your Soul