We all want to live happy lives but no matter how happy we’ve been in the past, circumstances can shift and knock us off course: kids have left home, retirement, loss of a job, divorce…
Who you thought you were or the life you thought you’d have has changed and you’re left feeling lost, alone and having to navigate in unfamiliar territory. You find yourself needing to create a new chapter and you can’t do it using the old methods or as the old version of you. Plus, you want to be sure that this chapter has a happy ending.
I believe a happy life is one where you continually listen to and follow your heart. Because when you hear your heart, you connect with who you really are and what you really want. Which means you’re connected with an inner compass that will lead you safely through the choppiest of storms.
Happiness requires you to say “Yes” to your heart because saying “no” to your heart only leads to more sorrow, longing, loneliness and despair.
When you say Yes to your heart, you open yourself up to possibilities for different and better experiences, choices, relationships, finances, wellbeing…
Are you looking for different and better?
When you say Yes to your heart, the “what if’s” of chances you let slip by shift from keeping you looking backward with regretful wonder to looking forward with hope, because it’s never too late to reclaim the feeling you’re longing for.
Are you ready to move forward?
The minute you say Yes to your heart, you’re saying Yes to NOW—this moment, this time—because you immediately put into motion serendipities and coincidences that would never occur if you continued to say no.
Are you curious about the serendipities that await you?
The more you say Yes, the more you remember and reclaim forgotten desires and have the courage to make your known desires a priority.
Is it your turn for your desires to take centre stage?
What I know for sure is that happiness is an inside job. You can’t find lasting happiness in things. Nor can you rely on other people to make or keep you happy – it’s not their job.
Lasting happiness comes from following your joy, which means a continual dialogue and agreement with your heart.
Can you hear your heart?
Are you ready to say Yes to its whispers?
Are you ready to say Yes to its whispers?
The more you say Yes to your heart, the more you honour yourself. Because when you say Yes to your heart, you’re saying Yes to YOU.
Is it time to say Yes to You?
If so, I invite you to join my Say Yes to You Mastermind program during which you’ll explore who you really are and what you really want while working through obstacles that have been holding you back. Best of all, you won’t have to go it alone. I’ll be by your side, as will five other inspiring women who too have dared to listen to the whispers of their heart.
I hope you’ll join us.
Deadline for application is Monday November 30th. Our journey begins in January. Find all the details by clicking the button below.