If you have a dream in your heart…
If you know you’re meant for more…
If you’re looking for your purpose…
I INVITE you to join me on a journey…

If you have a dream in your heart…
If you know you’re meant for more…
If you’re looking for your purpose…
I INVITE you to join me on a journey…
Have you said (or want to say) YES! to your dreams? Then these tips are for you, with Love
I don’t know about you, but *this* drives me frickin’ C-R-A-Z-Y!
What is it? Hint: if you’re a woman, you’re liking doing it…
What if your life could unfold for you in surprising and delightful ways? Just say the word…
As I’ve moved through these few days since her passing, I’ve been asking myself what lessons she taught me that I might want to pass on to the world at large, and you specifically. Two came to mind straight away. I’m sure I’ll think of more that I’ll wish I had shared instead (because there were so many), but here’s what’s top of mind at the moment…
Whenever a crisis shifts you out of “normal” (like the coronavirus has shifted us all), there are three stages you’ll go through.
Which stage are you currently in? Where are you headed next?
Do you ever look back on your life and see dreams left unfulfilled? If so, read on…
If you have a dream, why have you not yet fulfilled it? What’s holding you back?
How you perceive a challenge not only helps determine your success but whether you even begin it or give up part way. It also helps determine how much struggle you’ll face.
Let me explain…
Wonder why it’s so hard to find your purpose?
You may be making this BIG (common) mistake.
All the strategies in the world are useless until you’re clear on this…
80% of people give up on their resolutions by Feb.1st.
Discover what kills most dreams and how to avoid being another statistic.
Goals and resolutions are only a tiny piece of the puzzle.
When you focus on this, it can’t help but be your best year yet…